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隐私 Notice
本通知描述如何使用和披露您的医疗信息, and how you can get access to this information. Please review it carefully.
Who will follow this notice
本通知描述了盟约卫生系统医院的隐私做法, health care facilities, and health care entities, including Claiborne Medical Center; Cumberland Medical Center; Fort Loudoun Medical Center; Parkwest Medical Center; Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center; LeConte Medical Center; Methodist Medical Center of Oak Ridge; Roane Medical Center; and Morristown-Hamblen Healthcare System; as well as physician practices/clinics and sleep, 乳房, endoscopy, weight man年龄ment, coumadin, diabetes, joint replacement, wound treatment, diagnostic, cardiac and pulmonary rehabilitation, 测距装置, wellness, and surgery centers that are departments or divisions of, or are wholly owned by, such hospitals; Thompson Cancer Survival Center; Cumberland Physician Group; Covenant Health Diagnostics; Covenant Medical Group and associated physician practices; MMC Healthworks; Fort Sanders Perinatal Center; Knoxville Heart Group; East Tennessee Cardiovascular Surgery Group, 公司.; Covenant HomeCare; Thompson Oncology Group; Patricia Neal Rehabilitation Center; Covenant 治疗 Centers; Claiborne EMS; and Fort Sanders West Outpatient Surgery Center (the “Covenant Health Entities”, or individually, a “Covenant Health Entity”), as well as any health care professional authorized to enter information into a healthcare record at a Covenant Health Entity; all departments and units of each Covenant Health Entity performing covered functions; any member of a volunteer group that a Covenant Health Entity allows to help patients while in the care of a Covenant Health Entity; business associates of the Covenant Health Entities; and all Covenant Health Entity employees, 工作人员, and personnel.
Each Covenant Health Entity, their employees, 工作人员 and personnel, 在实体提供服务的保健专业人员参加"有组织的保健安排",允许分享 protected health information (“PHI”) 进行与治疗、付款、保健业务有关的安排. Additionally, 每个《beat365官方app》卫生实体及其有组织卫生保健安排的成员都参加一个主要的有组织卫生保健安排,该安排允许所有《beat365官方app》卫生实体在类似安排下为同一目的共享PHI. 参加有组织的保健安排的每个人都对自己的行为和不行为负全部责任. 这些有组织的保健安排并不构成合资企业, partnership, 机构, or employment relationship, and joint and several liability is not intended.
When this notice applies
本通知适用于契约健康实体生成的所有您的护理记录, 无论是盟约健康实体的工作人员还是你的私人医生. 您的私人医生可能有不同的政策或通知,关于在医生办公室或诊所创建的PHI的使用和披露.
Our obligations
法律要求契约卫生实体确保PHI保密, 提供本通知,说明我们在PHI方面的法律责任和隐私惯例, to follow the terms of the Notice currently in effect, 并在某些违反不安全PHI的情况下通知受影响的个人.
How we may use and disclose PHI
以下类别描述了公约卫生实体使用和披露PHI的不同方式. Although not every use or disclosure in a category will be listed, 我们被允许使用和披露PHI的所有方式都属于其中一类.
Treatment. 我们可能 use PHI to provide or arrange for medical treatment. 我们可能 disclose PHI to doctors, 护士, technicians, medical students, 或参与病人护理的其他医护人员或设施. For example, 公约卫生实体的不同部门可以共享PHI,以协调患者的不同需求, such as prescriptions, lab work and x-rays. 我们可能 also use and disclose PHI to arrange for health care (e.g., referrals to specialists; transfers or referrals to other health care providers, 包括安排病人出院后的护理, 等.我们还可能使用和披露PHI来发送有关治疗方案或其他与健康相关的产品或服务的与治疗相关的通信.
付款. 我们可能 use and disclose PHI to create bills and process 付款s. For example, 我们可能会向健康保险公司提供病人接受手术的信息,这样保险公司就会支付手术费用. 我们也可以告诉健康保险公司病人将接受的治疗,以获得事先批准, or to determine whether the insurer will cover the treatment.
Health Care Operations.*我们可能会使用和披露PHI用于盟约健康实体的运作. 这些使用和披露对于《beat365官方app》卫生实体的运作和确保所有患者获得优质护理是必要的. For example, 我们可能会将PHI用于治疗和服务的内部审查以及评估员工绩效. 我们可能会结合许多患者的PHI来决定盟约卫生实体应该提供哪些额外服务, what services are not needed, and whether certain new treatments are effective. 《beat365官方app》卫生实体可相互分享健康指数,以开展全面质量评估和改进活动, 审查卫生保健专业人员的能力或资格, and to conduct fraud and abuse detection programs. 我们可能 also disclose PHI to doctors, 护士, technicians, medical students, 和《beat365官方app》卫生实体的其他工作人员进行审查和学习. 我们还可以将我们的PHI与其他医疗保健系统的PHI结合起来,比较我们的工作情况,看看我们在提供的护理和服务方面可以在哪些方面进行改进. *请注意. 我们可能会从PHI中删除识别个人的信息,以便在不了解特定患者身份的情况下使用这些信息.
病人 Contacts. 我们可能 contact patients by telephone, 电子邮件, 或者发短信通知他们即将到来的约会和需要的后续服务, treatment options or alternatives, health-related benefits or services of interest, survey participation, 以及使用您提供的任何电话号码和/或电子邮件地址进行其他合法的治疗和医疗保健操作(e).g., on patient intake forms or registration materials). 我们可以使用任何方式与所提供的电话号码联系, including automatic dialing devices. 请记住,短信和电子邮件不是安全的通信形式,发送到您提供的电话号码或电子邮件地址的文本和电子邮件中包含的信息可能被未经授权的第三方访问或使用. 请不要在任何电子邮件或调查回复中包含任何敏感或私人信息, 因为此类电子邮件或调查回复可能不会通过安全方式传输,可能会被未经授权的第三方拦截. You may opt out of receiving telephone, text mess年龄, 和/或电子邮件通信,在任何时候联系公约卫生隐私官员(电话 865-374-8010 for more information).
Fundraising. 我们可能会在我们的筹款活动中使用和披露某些PHI. Such disclosures would be to associates of, or a foundation related to, the Covenant Health Entity where the patient obtained services. You have the right to opt out of receiving such communications.
Directory. 作为医院或设施的《beat365官方app》卫生实体可保留有限的目录信息(例如.g., patient name, location, and general condition). The directory information may also include religious affiliation, which would be released only to clergy. Unless you object, 目录信息(宗教信仰除外)将向姓名询问您的人发布. 您可以要求不将您的信息包含在目录中或限制目录中的信息.
Individuals Involved in 病人 Care or 付款 for Care; Disaster Relief Agencies. 我们可能会向参与患者医疗护理或支付此类护理费用的家庭成员或朋友发布PHI. Additionally, we may release PHI to notify a family member, a friend, 或负责照顾病人的人,照顾病人的位置和一般情况, 我们可能会向救灾机构披露PHI,这样病人的家人就可以知道病人的病情, 状态, and location.
Research.* 我们可能 use and disclose PHI necessary for research purposes. 所有的研究项目都要经过一个特殊的审批程序,该程序将评估拟议的研究项目及其对医学信息的使用, 试图平衡研究需求和病人的隐私权. Before we use or disclose PHI for research, 该项目将通过该研究审批程序获得批准. 我们可能, 然而, 向准备开展研究项目的人披露PHI(例如), to help them look for patients with specific medical needs), 只要他们审查的医疗资料不离开《beat365官方app》卫生实体. In almost all other cases, 如果研究人员能够获得患者的姓名,我们将获得特定的授权, address, or other information that reveals who the patient is. *请注意. 我们可能会从PHI中删除识别个人的信息,以便在不了解特定患者身份的情况下使用这些信息.
应法律要求或为避免对健康或安全的严重威胁. We will disclose PHI when required by law. 我们也可能在必要时使用和披露个人信息,以防止或减轻对患者健康和安全、公众或其他人健康和安全的严重威胁. 然而,只有那些能够帮助防止或减轻威胁的人才会披露这些信息.
Public Health Activities. 我们可能 disclose PHI for certain public health activities, including prevention or control of disease, 受伤, or disability; reporting births and deaths; reporting child abuse or 忽视; reporting reactions to medications or problems with products; providing recall notification for products; notifying a person who may have been exposed to a disease or may be at risk for contracting or spreading a disease or condition; notifying employers for workplace safety purposes or to provide information regarding work-related 受伤 or illness; and notifying the appropriate government authority if we believe a patient is the victim of abuse, 忽视, or domestic violence (unless the patient is a child, has a disability, or is elderly, 通常情况下,只有在患者同意的情况下,我们才会披露这些信息。.
Health Oversight Activities. 对于法律授权的活动,我们可能会向健康监督机构披露PHI. These oversight activities include, for example, 审计, investigations, inspections, and licensure actions.
Law Enforcement. 为遵守法院命令,我们可能会向执法部门公布个人信息, subpoena, 保证, summons or similar process authorized by law; in emergencies, to report crimes (e.g., child sexual abuse), the location of the crime or victims, or the identity, description, or location of the person who committed the crime; to comply with laws regarding the reporting of suspicious wounds and deaths; to identify a victim of a crime; to report criminal conduct on the premises of a Covenant Health Entity; and to identify or locate a suspect, fugitive, material witness, or missing person.
Lawsuits and Disputes. 我们可能 disclose PHI in response to a court or administrative order. 我们也可能根据传票或其他合法程序披露个人信息.
Specialized Government Functions. 我们可能 release PHI for specialized government functions. For example, if a patient is a member of the armed forces, we may release PHI as required by military command authorities. 我们也可能向适当的外国军事当局公布有关外国军事人员的PHI. 我们可能会将PHI泄露给授权的联邦官员以获取情报, counterintelligence, and other national security activities authorized by law. 我们可能会向授权的联邦官员披露PHI,以便他们向总统提供保护, other authorized persons or foreign heads of state, or conduct special investigations. 如果病人是惩教机构的囚犯或被执法人员拘留, 我们可能会向该机构或执法人员公布该患者的PHI信息.
Worker’s Compensation. 我们可根据工伤补偿或提供工伤或疾病福利的类似计划的要求发布PHI.
Coroners; Medical Examiners; and Funeral Directors. 我们可能 release PHI to a coroner or medical examiner. 经同意或在法律允许的其他情况下,我们可能会向葬礼承销商发布PHI.
Organ and Tissue Donation. 我们可以向办理器官采购或器官采购的机构发布PHI, 眼睛, or tissue transplantation.
Your rights regarding medical information about you
Right to Inspect and Copy. 您可以检查和复制PHI,用于对您的护理做出决定. 通常, this includes medical and billing records, 但不包括某些心理治疗笔记和法律规定以外的其他材料. To inspect and copy PHI used to make decisions about you, 您必须将您的请求以书面形式提交给公约健康隐私官(beat365官方app 865-374-8010 获取更多信息,包括如何获取电子或纸质副本). If you request a copy of the information, we may charge a reasonable fee for the costs of copying, 邮件, or other supplies associated with your request. 在有限的情况下,我们可以拒绝你方查阅和复制的要求. 如果您被拒绝访问PHI,您可以要求审查拒绝. 由《beat365官方app》健康实体选择的另一位持牌医疗保健专业人员将审查您的请求和拒绝. 进行审查的人不会是拒绝你请求的人. We will comply with the outcome of the review.
Right to Amend. If you feel that PHI we have about you is incorrect or incomplete, you may ask us to amend the information. 只要信息由《beat365官方app》卫生实体保存或为《beat365官方app》卫生实体保存,您就有权要求修改. To request an amendment, 您的请求必须以书面形式提交给《beat365官方app》健康隐私官(beat365官方app 865-374-8010 for more information). In addition, you must provide a reason that supports your request. 如果您的修改请求不是以书面形式提出的,或者没有提供支持该请求的有效理由,我们可能会拒绝您的修改请求. In addition, 如果您要求我们修改并非由我们创建的信息,我们可能会拒绝您的请求, unless the person or entity that created the information is no longer available to make the amendment; is not part of the PHI kept by or for the Covenant Health Entity; is not part of the information which you would be permitted to inspect and copy; or is accurate and complete.
Right to an Accounting of Disclosures. You may request an “accounting of disclosures.” This is a list of certain disclosures we made of your PHI. To request this list or accounting of disclosures, 您必须将您的请求以书面形式提交给公约健康隐私官(beat365官方app 865-374-8010 for more information). 您的请求必须说明一段时间,最长不得超过六年. 你的请求应该表明你想要的是哪种形式的清单(例如,纸质的,电子的). The first list you request within a 12 month period will be free. 如有额外的名单,我们可能会向你收取提供名单的费用. We will notify you of the cost involved, 您可以选择在产生任何费用之前撤回或修改您的请求.
Right to Request Restrictions. 您有权要求对我们使用或披露您的个人信息进行限制或限制, 付款 or health care operations. 您还有权要求限制我们向参与您护理的人披露您的个人健康信息,或限制您的护理费用, like a family member or friend. 我们不需要同意限制使用和披露PHI进行治疗的请求, 付款, and health care operations purposes, 除非此类请求涉及为支付和保健业务目的而披露某些健康计划. If we do agree, 我们将遵从您的要求,除非该信息是为您提供紧急处理所需. To request restrictions, 您必须以书面形式向公约健康隐私官(beat365官方app 865-374-8010 for more information). In your request, you must tell us what information you want to limit; whether you want to limit our use, disclosure, or both; and to whom you want the limits to apply.
Right to Request Confidential Communications. 您有权要求我们以特定方式或在特定地点与您沟通医疗事宜. 例如,您可以要求我们只在工作时或通过邮件与您联系. To request confidential communications, 您必须以书面形式向公约健康隐私官(beat365官方app 865-374-8010 for more information). We will not ask you the reason for your request. We will accommodate all reasonable requests. Your request must specify how or where you wish to be contacted.
Right to a Paper Copy of This Notice. You have the right to a paper copy of this Notice. You may ask us to give you a copy of this Notice at any time. Even if you have agreed to receive this Notice electronically, you are still entitled to a paper copy of this Notice. You may obtain a copy of this Notice on our website, CovenantHealth.com/隐私-Notice. To obtain a paper copy of this Notice, 请向为您治疗的《beat365官方app》卫生实体的入院或登记区索取.
Changes to this notice
We reserve the right to change this Notice. 我们保留权利使修订或变更的通知对我们已经拥有的关于您的PHI有效, as well as any information we receive in the future. 我们将在每个《beat365官方app》卫生实体中张贴当前通知的副本,并根据要求向您提供新的通知. 通知将在首页右上角注明生效日期. In addition, 每次你作为住院或门诊病人在公约卫生实体登记或获准接受治疗或保健服务时, we will offer you a copy of the current Notice in effect.
If you believe your privacy rights have been violated, 你可以向有关的《beat365官方app》卫生实体或卫生与公众服务部部长提出申诉. 要向《beat365官方app》卫生实体提出投诉,请联系《beat365官方app》卫生隐私官(电话 865-374-8010 for more information). 您也可以联系《beat365官方app》健康诚信合规部报告热线 (888) 731-3115. 我们可能 request that your complaint be submitted in writing. You will not be penalized for filing a complaint.
Other Uses of Medical Information
本通知或适用于公约卫生实体的法律未涵盖的PHI的其他使用和披露将仅在您的书面授权下进行. 可能需要书面授权的使用和披露类型包括心理治疗记录的某些使用和披露, marketing-related uses and disclosures of PHI, and sales of PHI. If you authorize us to use or disclose PHI about you, you may revoke that authorization, in writing, at any time, 通过向《beat365官方app》健康隐私官提供撤销此种意向的通知(电话) 865-374-8010 for more information). If you revoke your authorization, 我们将不再出于您书面授权的原因使用或披露您的个人信息. 然而,我们无法收回我们已经在您的允许下披露的任何信息. 此外,我们被要求保留我们向您提供的护理记录.